
Thursday, April 19, 2012

the plague

j and i go to the temple every second tuesday of the month. this month we left cal with his grandma deenie. i was sure he would be a good boy for her because he had taken unusually long naps that day. he was not happy after we left and when we came back deenie kept saying he felt warm, and was acting like he was sick. 

we took him home and his temp was 102.5. poor thing. i gave him some tylenol put him in a light cotton onesie and had him sleep with us. the next day his temp was 101.something. i called his pediatricians office and they said to keep him hydrated and that it was probably nothing to worry about. that night he had a rash on his bum.. and the fever was gone. the next day the rash was on his hands, arms, and upper legs. i thought it was a little strange and called the nurses back. they said it was probably a post-viral rash; something kids get all the time after they are sick.

well friday morning when c woke up, his little rash had turned into blisters... i thought he had the chicken pox and made an appointment to bring him in that day. our regular pediatrician was off so we saw someone else (who i did not like at all). after the shortest visit, he diagnosed c with having hand foot and mouth disease. (which sounds a lot worse than it really is) he said it has been going around, and c could have gotten it just about anywhere.

i tried to think back to the places we had been the week before: 2 different parks 3 different times where he swung on the swings, 2 restaurants' high chairs (that i always clorox wipe before he sits in them), changing table at church, church in general, the grocery store and costco (again clorox wipe always), the orem rec center (that place is a petri dish for infections)... and so on.

so basically, my ocd with avoiding all those nasty-nasts i learned about in microbiology somehow failed me and my babe caught a bug. 

c got it the worst on his hands and bum... and hardly in his mouth. after his fever past he was back to his normal self playing lots and crawling all over.

o and did i mention that josh caught it too? poor guy was hit hard. stayed home from work. sipped on banana strawberry smoothies and slept for 36 hours. 

needless to say, we were on quarantine for a while. and i am very happy to have a healthy family back.

here is the photographic evidence of my little leper boy:


Jessica Hall said...

so sad! I was talking to a friend and she said they had a similar experience because of the Orem Rec Center :( this was about a week or two ago. Hope you are all doing better!!!

Josh&Sharsti said...

Those pictures are so sad. He still looks happy though lol He's such a trooper (so are you, having to nurse them both back to health)

Scott and Whitney said...

poor cal and josh!! glad they are feeling better!!

The Castletons said...

Aww poor thing! Glad everyone is healthy again.