
Monday, May 21, 2012


yikes may is almost over. then it is june. then july and my baby will turn one.
i feel like it was just last night that it was the first night after c was born. he slept in the bassinet next to my bed. he would wake up with a shrilling cry.. scare the living daylights out of me.. toot, and quietly go back to sleep. i guess passing gas out of utero is pretty traumatizing those first few times.
i remember waking up with every little sound he made.. and sometimes i'd look over and he was wide awake. i was in awe of this tiny newborn's eyes looking around. i had wished josh was there to see it. in fact i think i took a video. let me check. nope just a picture of us cuddling.
anyways, i have been thinking lately that i am in the best part of my life. a season i am so blessed to be in. i love being a mom. i love being a stay at home mom, and thank josh everyday for it. i realized that as fast as time is moving, my life as a young mother will be over before i know it... and i will become a mother of teenagers, and then an empty nester, and then a grandma... ha
but seriously.. i have always been one who is constantly looking forward to the next phase of life.. anxious to be done with the one i am in. but not now. i'll take the sleepless nights and the buckets of diapers because there is nothing better than watching calvin grow.. (not that i won't appreciate when he finally sleeps through the night because we all know that will be a joyous occasion) i love hearing him laugh at himself when he is being silly... watching his eyes light up and his lips smile when he sees me... tasting his sweet baby neck and tummy when i give him raspberries... feeling his heart beat when i cuddle him...

alas, another post about my baby boy and the love i have for him.

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