
Friday, January 13, 2012

6 months!

i know i say this every time, but cal is growing up so fast!
i tell him everyday that he needs to stop it, but alas..
let's start with his owl comparisons:
six months             /            five months

at 6 months calvin:
weighs 17 lbs 13 oz = 50%
25.5 inches tall = 10%
head circumference of 43.1 cm = 50%
still has his heart murmur

this past month baby c:

has really explored his vocal cords.
he makes lots of vowel sounds, growls, blows raspberries, and hums.
 he does this loud dinosaur-sounding screech that has gotten him the nickname calosaurus.
also, his dad had a cough for a few weeks and before we knew it cal was doing fake coughs all the time.
(i think he does one at the very end of this video)

not included in this video are his clicks.
he can click his tongue.

calvin is an awesome sitter.
he can sit unsupported for a long time.
he prefers sitting to any other position.
because of this, he struggles at tummy time.

he randomly sleeps through the night, but only like once a week.
we tried to sleep train him again, and let me tell you, this kid can scream!
it didn't really build up to a bad cry, he was gagging himself from the get-go.
after about a half hour of him wailing, josh went and tried to calm him down.
(i might have shed a few tears too)
dad ended up picking him up, and cal was still upset.
eventually i went and got him and it took another half hour to calm him down.
i didn't even think to check his mouth, and two days later i found a little tooth popping up. he was teething! i felt horrible.
(especially because the last time we tried it, he had an ear infection and we didn't know it) needless to say, i don't think we will try and do that again until he is older and can understand better.
our average night is something like this:
after our little routine, i rock him to sleep and put him in his crib.
he sleeps in there most of the night. he eats once around 2 or 3.
sometime in the early morning (usually between 4 and 5), he wakes up and plays -
 i can hear him talking, humming, clicking, and rubbing his hands along the bars of his crib.
(it wakes me up initially, but then i go back to sleep)
he does this until he has wiggled himself into the upper corner of his crib - literally head bent in the corner - and he starts crying.
at this point, i go grab him and bring him in bed with me where he quickly falls back asleep until 7 or 8.

 another new thing is that cal is using trying to use sippy cups.
his pediatrician told us we should start giving cal 3-4 oz of water in sippy cups.
the water will help his tummy, and he is sitting up so well, he gets to use a sippy.
well, he can put it in his mouth, but he hasn't figured out to suck it.
he just chomps on it than throws it on the ground.

a few other random things:
-he loves his toes and is always grabbing at them
- he reaches for everything, especially anything josh and i are holding
- he loves all the toys he got for christmas (christmas post coming soon)
- he has started to show stranger danger, but normally warms up to people relatively fast
- his hair grows really fast over his ears, and i actually cut his little wings
- also, his hair is naturally poofy and it gives him a little mo-hawk.
- he doesn't like cartoons/sesame street, but he does like watching videos of himself


annie said...

Oh. my. gosh. I cannot get over how cute he is! I love his hair! And those cute leg warmers!

Amy Asay Keele said...

what a GORGEOUS boy. Oh, my he's getting cuter and cute! I want to squeeze him! xoxoox you guys.