
Monday, November 19, 2012

11. 19. 2012

i quickly learned that tears and motherhood go hand in hand.
from the tears of joy when i held my baby for the first time,
to exhausted tears of that first night home when he fussed all night and i couldn't calm him down.
grateful tears when i read stories like this, or watch a parent mourn the loss of their child - grateful that my baby is here and well, praying that it stays that way.
nervous tears when i hear about the power satan is gaining over the world that surrounds us.
tears brought on by the Spirit, pounding within, telling me that everything is going to be okay.
 tears that i try and hold back as i carry my tantrum-ing toddler out of sacrament meeting for the 4th time.
tears of laughter at some the the hilarious things this little man does - seriously, where does he come up with it?
tears that feel great to get out when i am alone in the shower and they wash down the drain carrying whatever overwhelms me at the moment.

feel them.
aknowledge them.
learn from them.
adjust if needed, and let life's wind push you along.

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