
Friday, September 28, 2012

don't want to forget this, friday #1

i keep thinking of random things that i haven't blogged about but want to record... so i am starting a new friday tradition.

today is about calvin.. what's new? but more specifically about his name.

when josh and i were dating, we had a conversation about baby names.. (a requisite conversation to getting engaged right?) we both agreed that we liked names with meaning. and we both loved the name calvin. 

calvin is the name of josh's grandpa:

(this guy loves to laugh and can sit and tell jokes for hours)

the first time our cal met grandpa cal, was at matt and sarah's wedding:
baby cal was 2 months old.
grandpa cal got teary eyed when we told him c's name, and he kept saying, 
"are you sure?"
it was really sweet.
 we love when grandpa cal comes to town
and one day we are going to go visit him in oklahoma...

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