
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

10 months

taking his owl picture this month was very difficult, and at times precarious as calvin kept trying to jump off the couch.

10 months
 9 months

our little ham is 10 months old.

this past month:

- c's army crawl turned into a full fledged crawl:

- has spent lots of time outside (bikes, swimming, walks), and has got himself a nice farmer's tan.

- is pulling himself up on everything:
 and because of that he skipped many naps to practice his new skills:

too busy to nap from Whitney Asay on Vimeo.
- he switched over to formula because of all his teeth.
(figuring out how much formula to give him has been the trickiest part. he hardly drinks more than 4 oz.... but i feel like that isn't enough for a 10 month old... but he's content and has lots of wet/messy diapers so i guess it is ok )
- holds the bottle on his own.
 -  loves toast and cheese, and eats lots of finger foods.
- loves opening and closing anything he can find (doors, drawers).
- went through a phase where he was constantly grinding his teeth (worst sound ever).
- got little sores on both his big toes from doing this:
so he got some new shoes (but i only paid 7 for them here).
- loves animals. especially my parents' horses and any bird. he also played with a toad and some caterpillars this month.
 - learned how to wave.
waving to a bird
- says ma ma ma ma when he is sad.
- got his first real haircut (#3 on the sides and just trimmed everywhere else).
here is what he looked like before (turn your sound on low):

silly boy needs a haircut from Whitney Asay on Vimeo.
- still a screamer (all day long).
- has outgrown his 6 m clothes. wears 6-12 m, and some 12m.
- is so fun to tickle and wrestle.
- nothing stops him from getting to computers or iphones.

we can't believe how fast he is growing!
love this little c.z boy!

1 comment:

Elleny said...

So funny reading this because Clara does pretty much all the same things- especially like being naughty during nap time and getting into all the drawers. Busy babies.