
Sunday, March 11, 2012


after months weeks of studying... i took my nclex test on saturday, march 3rd.
friday, my mom watched cal all day while i studied crammed.
(studying with a baby is hard!)
saturday, josh made me breakfast, took care of the babe, 
and sent me off with a priesthood blessing and a good luck kiss.

i listened to mo tab on the way to the test to calm my nerves.
i got there a half hour early, like they tell you to,
 and was immediately checked in and ready to go.
i was at computer #12.
here we go!
there were questions that i had no doubt on the answer, 
but there were lots that were hard hard hard!
meds i had never even heard of,
tons of prioritization that i found my self second guessing..
well, my test shut off after 75 questions.
and i honestly wasn't sure if i had passed or failed.
i was just happy it was over.
 after a long weekend, i finally saw my license on dopl tuesday morning at 2 am.. 
and i passed!
such a burden lifted.
now the hunt casual browsing for the perfect job is on.


C and K said...

whoot whoot!!!!! so happy for you Whit! Congrats!!!!!!!

we will be in town conference weekend but shhhhh it is a surprise to Craig's dad! Hopefully we will see you then! :)

Jessica Hall said...

Wahoo! That is so exciting. Congrats on all of your hard work finally paying off :) Best of luck finding a fabulous job!

Josh&Sharsti said...

Congrats, what a HUGE accomplishment!