
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

3 months!!!

woo.. woo...
baby c is three months, and we LOVE this stage.
he gets more and more fun everyday.
here's his monthly owl picture:
three months
two months                                                   one month

5 days

don't you just want to kiss those sweet cheeks??
he is still super social and loves talking and smiling.
he has definitely figured out he has hands, and loves putting them in his mouth.
his favorite thing to do right now is use his pointer fingers..
if you look closely at almost all the pictures we have taken the last little while he has his little pointers out and ready. 
we love it.  
he also uses them to scratch at things - particularly my skin, daddy's arm hair, his toys, or his blankets

he likes to nuzzle his face into whoever is helping him fall to sleep..
he always starts each night in his crib, and ends it in bed with me... 
(it's hard with my clinicals and all the babysitting, to keep him on a schedule.. so i decided i'll wait and do the sleep training thing when i am done with my capstone.. until then.. i'll continue to secretly enjoy my cuddle time with him)
he likes to play peek-a-boo.
and has started to drool lots.
he loves to people watch.
he'll follow you all around the room, even if it makes him look up-side-down
and he gets the biggest smiles when you make eye contact with him.
he went golfing for the first time last week:
he has also assisted in a few photo shoots, including this early-morning one.
he hates getting strapped into his carseat. 
and he hates when we change his clothes.
well, i think that's all for now! 
sure do LOVE this little boy!


Lizette Pope said...

Whitney...He is adorable! It's so funny that his pointer finger is out in every shot! haha Cute!

Katie said...

He is such an adorable little boy! Love that smile!

Carrie said...

he is just a little doll! i LOVE that you take the monthly owl picture. you can REALLY see his growth that way. good idea!

Amy Asay Keele said...

love those owl pics!! I'm going to steal that idea ;-)