
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

shots & stats

this is kind of a long video of cal doing what he does best lately.. socializing!
he is smiling and cooing lots, and i can't get enough.
at his 2 month appointment dr. clayton had a hard time listening to his murmur because he was cooing the whole time. dr clayton said he was a very social 2 month old.. until recently baby c would really only play with j or i... it is fun to share this sweet side of cal that we have been seeing for a few weeks now...

anyways his 2 month stats:
height: 22.5 inches = 50%
weight: 11 lbs 1.5 oz = 40%
head circumference: 38 cm = 25%

immunizations he was given:
1. DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis)/IPV (polio)/HIB (influenza type b)
 (those three were given in 1 shot)
2. pneumococcal (shot)
3. hep b (shot)
4. rotavirus (cal got this one orally)

he did get a little fever and was extra clingy/fussy through the night.. but once the tylenol kicked in, he was happy (proof = the video above).
for my community health class we had to take a picture of a sticker that says, 'this is public health' on something and explain how that this related to public health. the timing of the assignment couldn't of been any better. my model on the other hand was not wanting to hold still and show off both his bandaids... that's okay though. his cute face makes up for it.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

SO cute!! I am glad to hear the rest of the night went better. Can't wait until he gets older and he can have play dates with the girls! =)