
Thursday, September 29, 2011

byu vs usf

my brother got us tickets to the byu vs usf football game. we were on the very last row of the west side, right under all the boxes... and it was perfect! the seats had backs on them and it was a great view of the game. we were so happy that the cougs won. it was a gorgeous night. 
life was good in cougartown...

we brought baby c to the game, and he did great! at first he was irritated at all the cheering, but he got used to it and eventually fell to sleep. so fun. we love this little coug!

grandma and grandpa, aunt alisha, and uncle jared were there too. it was a fun fun night!
thanks for the tickets brother!


Kendra Anderson said...

I can't wait to meet him today!

Amy Asay Keele said...

can't get enough - he is too stinkin cute!!