
Wednesday, July 28, 2010


j + i were in charge of the devotional at the kirtland temple. we talked about the message from president uchtdorf entitled: hold on a little longer. such a great talk about holding fast to our testimonies during hard times.

historic kirtland was a fun place to explore and learn about the lives of the saints who lived there and sacrificed so much to build the first temple.

i love the story of the whitney family. how when joseph smith arrived in kirtland, newell and elizabeth opened their home and store for emma and joseph smith. newell's store became the first bishop's storehouse, held the school of the prophets, and was a site where sacred works occured.
we loved feelings the faith and of the spirit found here.

1 comment:

alyse said...

tommy and i just did all the OTHER church history sites... nauvoo, far west, adam-ondi-ahman, and independence! i wish we could have made it that far east. i haven't been there for years. i'm glad you had fun though!