
Sunday, December 13, 2009

friday night lights

this past friday night we fought the awful traffic and made our way downtown. despite the plethora of people and bitter cold temperature, we enjoyed seeing the lights. unfortunately, the pictures of people did not turn out. see:

but these ones look alright:

rose and matt and their sweet boots.

j and i parked outside of this cathedral and decided to go in.
it was full of hispanics. and all the little kids were dressed up.
josh used his master spanish skills to ask a hispanic looking man sitting in front of us what was going on. he turned to us and told us in english that he doesn't speak spanish. haha it was funny.
anyways they were getting ready to celebrate lady guadalupe mass.
is it weird that that was my favorite part of the night?
i love learning about other cultures' customs and traditions.
but of course. nothing beats this lovely.

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